Several constants across ClaimsManager, DelegateManager, Governance, and ServiceProviderFactory contracts utilize block numbers to determine time intervals (1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 8 days) of allowable function invocation.
Since the deployment of the Audius Protocol, block rates have improved and stabilized on mainnet eth and have caused the Audius protocol to operate on a slightly wrong cadence from its original design intention. We propose remedying this through proposals to each of these values:
ClaimsManager (0x44617F9dCEd9787C3B06a05B35B4C779a2AA1334)
- updateFundingRoundBlockDiff
current: 46523
new: 50191
DelegateManager (0x4d7968ebfD390D5E7926Cb3587C39eFf2F9FB225)
- updateRemoveDelegatorEvalDuration
current: 6646
new: 7170 - updateRemoveDelegatorLockupDuration
current: 46523
new: 50191 - updateUndelegateLockupDuration
current: 46523
new: 50191
Governance (0x4DEcA517D6817B6510798b7328F2314d3003AbAC)
- setVotingPeriod
current: 19938
new: 21510 - setExecutionDelay
current: 6646
new: 7170
ServiceProviderFactory (0xD17A9bc90c582249e211a4f4b16721e7f65156c8)
- updateDecreaseStakeLockupDuration
current: 46523
new: 50191 - updateDeployerCutLockupDuration
current: 53169
new: 57361
The calculation is performed based on a 12.05s block time (resulting from the average of the last 6 months: 07-22-24 through 01-22-25), utilizing data from etherscan.